Coaching Application Form 2024/25 (Soo Pee Wee Hockey)

Coaching Application Form 2024/25
Thank you for your interest in seeking a Head Coaching position with the Soo Pee Wee Hockey League (SPWHL). It's our volunteers that make the league a success.
Applications for the position of Head Coach for the 2024/25 SPWHL season are now being accepted.  Submission deadline for "A" coaches (U10A, U11A, U13A) is July 15, 2024.  The deadline for all other divisions is is August 1, 2024. 

All coaching applicants should familiarize themselves with the Head Coach job description and Coach's Fair Play Pledge as set out by Hockey Canada.  Coaches will be selected by a committee approved by the SPWHL executive members and notified after the due date.  SPWHL will only interview suitable candidates for coaching positions, therefore not all those that apply will receive an interview.

For more information about coaching requirements, please use the links below:


*** NOTES ***
To be selected as a Soo Pee Wee Hockey League team Coach, the applicant must:
- hold valid Hockey Canada certification for the level they wish to coach on Sept. 1st, 2024. Verified by SPWHL administrator;
- provide a Criminal Record Check to OHF Vulnerable Sector Checks;
- select  qualified assistant coach(es) with valid Hockey Canada certifications for the level they wish to participate in, that are effective on Sept. 1st, 2024. Also verified by the SPWHL administrator.

* If you don't have proper certification upon application, proof of registration will be required prior to September 20th, 2024 *

SPWHL Coaching Application

Please fill in the fields below:

Division / Age Group

Please select the Division / Age Group you would like to coach: