Coach Evaluation Form 2023-24 (Soo Pee Wee Hockey)

Coach Evaluation Form 2023-24
The purpose of this form is to assist the coaches and organization in continuing to develop themselves and the hockey program at Soo Pee wee Hockey Association. Please be frank and honest in your responses to the following questions. Your input is essential in improving the quality of coaching. The feedback on this form is considered confidential and parents will be assigned a random 4-digit code by their team manager. This code is from a group of codes specific to the team. Parents may fill out forms for each coach on the team if they feel the need to. The head coach must be one of the coach's. If you are filling out for a coach other then the head coach, please fill out this form again after submitting and re-enter the proper info.


This form is confidential. Only members of the Coaching Selection Committee will view this form. The information on this form is held in strict confidence.


Rate the following 10 questions: