Novice Minor Tier 2, 2019-2020 (Soo Pee Wee Hockey)

This League is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
Regular Season
All In One Contracting-Team Olar200020200000.0000-0-10T20vs. Floreani O'Toole-Team Deluca, 0-0 (T)
Direct Mechanical-Team Boychuk200020200000.0000-0-10T20@ McDougall -Team Parsons, 0-0 (T)
Floreani O'Toole-Team Deluca200020200000.0000-0-10T20@ All In One Contracting-Team Olar, 0-0 (T)
Kinze Adventure Dogs-Team McLean200020200000.0000-0-10T20@ SalDan-Team Gagnon, 0-0 (T)
McDougall -Team Parsons200020200000.0000-0-10T20vs. Direct Mechanical-Team Boychuk, 0-0 (T)
SalDan-Team Gagnon200020200000.0000-0-10T20vs. Kinze Adventure Dogs-Team McLean, 0-0 (T)